Whitelist to ensure your Sociuu emails are successfully delivered
In this lesson, we will take you through all the necessary steps to set up your Sociuu for success.
The basic functions in Sociuu are taken care of when you get access to your Sociuu. Before we dig deeper into Sociuu, you will be asked to whitelist Sociuu. To whitelist an email address means, you add them to your approved sender list. This tells the email client that you know this sender and trust them, which will keep Sociuu emails at the top of your inbox and out of the junk folder.
Attached here, in the introduction and in Sociuu.how you can find whitelisting information for your IT department.
If your Sociuu is already set up and you are taking over a program, then you do not have to go through whitelisting unless you experience that Sociuu emails end up in SPAM or that there are other security issues occurring.
You can always talk to your Sociuu rep if you have any questions or issues.
Download whitelisting information and send it to IT if whitelisting is not in place. Read more about whitelisting on sociuu.how/whitelisting