Let me introduce SociuuHub first. SociuuHub is an individualized space for employees to find and share more great content than suggested in the email, teams, slack etc channels. Employees can go directly to their own SociuuHub without logging in or downloading anything.
Tags are feeding employees’ personal hubs with relevant content in the SociuuHub. Content is made available to users based on the groups they are in and the tags they have associated.
When content tags match user group tags, employees can see and share content from SociuuHub.
SociuuHub allows employee ambassadors the freedom to share content they find interesting on their own time. Encourage sharing from SociuuHub to increase post frequency.
In SociuuHub, employees are also able to track their personal performance and if you set up scoreboards, they can also see their performance based on the groups they are in or their personal rank.
NB! You’ll find a whole course here in the academy dedicated on all the steps in setting up the SociuuHub here
But for introduction, let’s take a closer look on how now… 🧐