Once you have set up the ContentHub, you can also set up the SociuuHub. Read how to set up the ContentHub here or review the previous lesson.
In the ContentHub you can make certain content streams automatically visible in the Sociuuhub by enabling the toggle show in SociuuHub. If you do this in combination with adding a tag you can make the chosen content directly available for your ambassadors. The last step you need to do is connect tags to a user group.
❗Note that this is the place where you can connect user groups to different tags and thus make different content available for different groups of ambassadors.
Besides setting up automatic streams of content for the SociuuHub, you can also do this manually by going to the ContentHub. Click on manage for an article and switch the toggle to “Show in SociuuHub” make sure that you also add here the appropriate content tagging so that this content will be made available for the specific user groups.
In both scenarios (automatic and manual) it may be helpful to add suggested text which can be used by your ambassadors. In case you are struggling to find inspiration to create this suggested text, use our AI assistant to create a suggested text for you.
To sum up! Setting up the SociuuHub you need to make sure to complete 3 steps:
Watch the video below to find out how to see how to set up the SociuuHub: